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of the Cosmos in terms of Gnostic Theology.
The reader should consult La Messe et ses Mysteres, par Jean
'Marie de V .... (Paris et Nancy, 1844), for a complete
demonstration of the incorporation of the Solar and Phallic
Mysteries in Christianity.
{Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Pi-Zeta}
There is a dish of sharks' fins and of sea-slug, well set
in birds' nests...oh!
Also there is a souffle most exquisite of Chow-Chow.
These did I devise.
But I have never tasted anything to match the
which she gave me before She went away.
March 22, 1912. E. V.
This chapter is technically one of the Laylah chapters.
It means that, however great may be one's own
achievements the gifts from on high are still better.
The Sigil is taken from a Gnostic talisman, and
refers to the Sacrament.
{Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Pi-Eta}
Teach us Your secret, Master! yap my Yahoos.
Then for the hardness of their hearts, and for the
softness of their heads, I taught them Magick.
Teach us Your real secret, Master! how to become
invisible, how to acquire love, and oh! beyond all,
how to make gold.
But how much gold will you give me for the Secret
of Infinite Riches?
Then said the foremost and most foolish; Master, it
is nothing; but here is an hundred thousand
This did I deign to accept, and whispered in his ear
this secret:
The term "gold bricks" is borrowed from American
The chapter is a setting of an old story.
A man advertises that he could tell anyone how to
make four hundred a year certain, and would do so
on receipt of a shilling. To every sender he dispatched
a post-card with these words: "Do as I do."
The word "sucker" is borrowed from American
The moral of the chapter is, that it is no good trying
to teach people who need to be taught.
{Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Pi-Theta}
I am annoyed about the number 89.
I shall avenge myself by writing nothing in this
That, too, is wise; for since I am annoyed, I could
not write even a reasonably decent lie.
Frater P. had been annoyed by a scurvy doctor, the
number of whose house was 89.
He shows that his mind was completely poisoned in
respect of that number by his allowing himself to be
(But note that a good Qabalist cannot err. "In Him
all is right." 89 is Body-that which annoys-and
the Angel of the Lord of Despair and Cruelty.
Also "Silence" and "Shut Up".
The four meanings completely describe the chapter.)
{Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Rho}
Behold! I have lived many years, and I have travelled
in every land that is under the dominion of the
Sun, and I have sailed the seas from pole to pole.
Now do I lift up my voice and testify that all is
vanity on earth, except the love of a good woman,
and that good woman LAYLAH. And I testify
that in heaven all is vanity (for I have journeyed
oft, and sojourned oft, in every heaven), except the
love of OUR LADY BABALON. And I testify
that beyond heaven and earth is the love of OUR
And seeing that I am old and well stricken in years,
and that my natural forces fail, therefore do I rise
up i my throne and call upon THE END.
For I am youth eternal and force infinite.
ANd at THE END is SHE that was LAYLAH, and
BABALON, and NUIT, being...
This chapter is a sort of final Confession of Faith.
It is the unification of all symbols and all planes.
The End is expressible.
{Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Rho-Alpha}
A. M. E. N.
The "Heikle" is to be distinguished from the
"Huckle", which latter is defined in the late Sir W.S.
Gilbert's "Prince Cherry-Top".
A clear definition of the Heikle might have been
obtained from Mr Oscar Eckenstein, 34 Greencroft
Gardens, South Hampstead, London, N.W. (when
this comment was written).
But its general nature is that of a certain minute
whiteness, appearing at the extreme end of great
It is a good title for the last chapter of this book, and
it also symbolises the eventual coming out into the light
of his that has wandered long in the darkness.
91 is the numberation of Amen.
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