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Blade was going to bite him for this one. The longer the bond
remains unclaimed, the more I suffer.
Blade roared as he shoved his cock in deeply, curling his arms
under Adwaka. Never hide anything from me again. Do you
understand me, Adwaka? Blade pounded into Adwaka, making him
scream as he showed Adwaka how much of an expert lover he truly
Y Yes, sir.
Blade reared back, letting Adwaka s hands go and grabbed his
hips, plunging his cock into Adwaka s entrance over and over again.
Adwaka scrambled to his hand and knees, meeting Blade thrust for
thrust. Adwaka cried out when he felt Blade s soul ghost over his
body and then settle into his skin. He knew Blade felt it too when the
man stilled behind him.
What s happening?
We are becoming one, mind, body, and soul, Adwaka
confessed, feeling a part of himself leave his very body and join with
Blade s. The only thing missing was the ceremony that would have
been performed once their mating was complete. Adwaka wanted that
more than almost anything, but as long as he had Blade, he would
forgo the tradition.
Adwaka felt Blade blanket his back and knew what was coming.
He was aware of how shifters mated. The pain in his shoulder only
lasted a second before the embedded canines made Adwaka s body
explode. He cried out as his cock emptied onto the bed below him.
Blade thrust harder, growling low at his shoulder before removing
his canines and licking the wound closed. His mate howled as hot
spurts of seed filled Adwaka s channel, making him want to cry and
laugh at the same time.
42 Lynn Hagen and Stormy Glenn
Adwaka wanted to shout with joy. Blade had claimed him. His
mate had finally claimed Adwaka. It was the greatest day in
Adwaka s life.
Blade wrapped his arms around Adwaka, taking them down to the
bed as he lapped at his mating mark. Never suffer needlessly again,
mate, Blade growled his warning but Adwaka was too busy basking
in the afterglow and giggling at Blade calling him mate.
Adwaka s Blade 43
Chapter 4
Adwaka sat close to Blade as everyone remained silent. They had
just entered the Andromeda system and engaged the cloaking device.
The tension in the air was almost a physical entity. Everyone was
nervous, and rightly so.
Adwaka knew if they landed on Ori, he d be fine. He was Orillian
and as far as he knew, he didn t have a price on his head. The rest of
the crew couldn t say the same. But maybe landing on Ori wouldn t
be a bad idea. Adwaka knew people, who knew people, who knew
people on the shady side of the law. They might be able to help.
Blade, Adwaka whispered as he nudged his mate. If we landed
on Ori, I might be able to get us in touch with some people that could
give us a job under the radar. It might not be much, but it could help
Blade frowned as he glanced down at Adwaka. You re not still
needing to go home, are you?
Adwaka smiled and leaned the side of his head against Blade s
thick muscular arm. You re my home now.
Blade s frown deepened, his dark eyebrows drawing together over
his eyes. I m your home? Adwaka, I m a person, not a planet.
Adwaka angled his face away from Blade s inquisitive stare. He
didn t want Blade to see the sudden sadness in his eyes. He knew
Blade didn t truly understand their connection. Maybe he never
would. Adwaka would have to be satisfied with what he had and not
try and force more onto his mate.
Adwaka glanced back up at Blade.
44 Lynn Hagen and Stormy Glenn
Explain what you meant, mate.
Adwaka smiled even though he didn t want to explain anything to
Blade. He just loved hearing the word mate come from Blade. We
have a connection now. That means that I don t need to go home
anymore. I have you now, and as long as I do, I ll be fine.
Blade shook his head as he hugged Adwaka closer to his side.
One of these days you re going to have to explain the whole Orillian
mating thing to me because I m confused as hell.
One day, Adwaka sighed as the rest of the crew sat back
quietly. He had been trying to help, not create a complicated
What kind of a job? the commander turned to Adwaka and
Adwaka wasn t sure what to say. He didn t expect Remy to ask.
He felt a bit intimidated by the commander. My uncle s boss isn t on
the straight and narrow. He s always looking for someone to make
runs for him.
Remy turned in his seat, his brows pulled together as he sat
forward. What kind of runs?
I I don t know, sir. Adwaka should have kept his big mouth
shut. He was asking the crew to take on a mission, but he had no clue
whatsoever what it entailed. Adwaka felt foolish for suggesting it in
the first place. Never mind.
No. Remy shook his head. Get in touch with your uncle. Let s
see what he has to say.
Adwaka scooted closer to Blade, laying his hand on his mate s
muscular thigh. The contact calmed him more than any words could
have. Blade rested his hand on top of Adwaka s as they silently stole
through the galaxy. That was even better.
* * * *
Adwaka s Blade 45
What do you think will happen if we get caught? Pax asked
Gigi as he mixed the batter for a three-layer cake Gigi had been dying
to try out.
I think they will string us up and like, throw things at us or
something, Gigi replied.
Pax stared for a moment then started laughing. They don t do
that. He frowned. Do they?
Gigi shrugged. You got me. I ve never really done anything
illegal before.
Might be fun. Pax suddenly thought of how his comment must
have sounded when Gigi gaped at him. You know what I mean.
Getting caught isn t what I was talking about the chase, the evading
Gigi laughed. Well, it s not like you and I don t have experience
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