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her every nuance, and it made a statement as to his sensual intent In that
moment Jordanna knew that he planned to do everything he'd once said to
touch her, to look at her, to make love to every single inch of her. Even as
she feared the depth of the claim she sensed he'd make, it excited her beyond
He raised his head then, lips moist from hers, and spoke again with his eyes
in the deep, sultry voice of silence. Jordanna's limbs quivered at his
message. When his gaze dropped to the towel that ringed her hips, she bit
her lip to keep from crying out It amazed her that his kiss, his look could do
such erotic things, and while she knew she should have expected it by now,
she also knew she never would. It was new and different this
heart-wrenching attraction to another human being. With Peter, part of the
attraction she'd felt had been inspired by the glamour of his position. She
saw that now, and for the first time admitted that despite her disclaimer to
Pat perhaps what she'd seen in Peter had indeed been his particular status in
Patrick allowed none of that He'd made it clear from the start His appeal was
solely in the man that he was tall, dark, compelling, dignified and reaching
for her towel with an attitude of such intense need that she felt she was the
only woman on earth who could possibly satisfy him. It was a heady
thought. And Jordanna did have ego needs of her own, very special needs
that had never quite been met until Patrick had entered her world.
The towel slid soundlessly to the floor and he was lifting her high in his
arms, placing her gently on the cool, clean sheets, coming down on one knee
by her side. The setting sun spiked golden arrows over her body, pointing to
the concave plain of her stomach, the rounded curves of her breasts, the
hollow of her throat, which pulsated with each quick breath she took. Warm
and firm, his fingers traced each arrow, inspiring sensations within her that
spiraled and converged deep down low in her belly. It was all she could do
not to reach for him, so great was her mounting heat, but she opened her
palms against the sheet instead and, fingers spread, pressed them flat.
Patrick's touch was devastating. His hands covered every inch of her,
shaping each curve, exploring each hollow. Then he bent and began to kiss
her, starting at her lips before gliding downward. With each sweet inch, the
fire within her burned hotter. When she could bear no more of his delicious
torture, she grabbed his arms and urged him upward.
He looked at her for a minute then, and she saw what she herself felt. It was
the moment. There could be no more waiting. His knees nudged hers apart,
he braced himself on his hands. Then, gaze still locked with hers, he thrust
Jordanna's eyes widened, then closed. His brand was hot and firm, searing
her insides with a pleasure beyond words or thoughts or dreams. She sighed
softly at the satisfaction of it, then met his movements, stroking his powerful
body as the heat rose until, at last, fingers clutching his shoulders, she
reached the pinnacle of their joining. All the more heady was the knowledge
that Patrick was right there with her. He too closed his eyes against the force
of the pounding sensation. His great body stiffened, he sucked in his breath,
then let it out in short, ragged gasps. Only in time, when the gasps began to
lengthen, did he release his hold on himself and sink down onto her slender
form. Head buried near hers on the pillow, he lay still as the last aftershocks
of his pleasure shook him. Then he turned his face to hers and placed a
slightly breathless kiss on her ear.
"That was...."
Jordanna gave a smug, cat-satisfied smile at the way his words trailed off in
suggestion that he too was at a loss. "Wasn't it?"
"Umm." Slipping to her side, he left his arm in firm possession of her waist.
"You're something."
She felt like something. It was a delightful feeling. "So are you." She
layered her arms over his.
They rested that way for a time, the silence offering a peaceful aftermath to
the passionate storm of moments before. All that remained of the sun's light
was a pale amber glow reminiscent of the lantern in the woods. Rather than
hard ground at their backs, though, there was a welcome mattress. And
rather than a sleeping bag and tent to keep their secret, there was new
freedom. The knowledge that it was temporary did nothing to curb
Jordanna's enjoyment of it. She felt warm and sated and very much
enthralled by the dark-haired man whose body seemed so right entwined
with hers.
"Mmm?" She smiled at her automatic response to his nickname. It too was
new. To Peter she'd been either baby or honey or sweetie or increasingly, as
their marriage became strained, just Jordanna.
"Are you sleeping?"
He gave her a playful squeeze. "That's what I thought." With a burst of
energy that startled her, he sat up, stretched over her to switch on the lamp,
then grabbed the phone.
"What are you doing?" She laughed, loving the solid feel of his body
slanting across hers.
He held her off with an upraised finger and spoke into the receiver. "Yes.
This is room 206. We'd like to order dinner. A couple of steaks, medium
rare, some baked potatoes, salads, whatever fresh vegetables you've got and
a quart of milk." He shot a mischievous glance at Jordanna. "The Black
Forest cake will be fine. And some coffee. I think that should do it. Twenty
minutes. Right." Then he hung up the phone and slowly slid back to his side
of the bed.
Jordanna didn't miss the way his body teased hers in retreat. Her feline smile
reflected that appreciation. "Sounds like some meal."
He settled her into the crook of his arm "We deserve it." He drew the sheet
up to cover them.
She nestled against his chest. "I am pretty hungry, come to think of it I don't
want to look at anything freeze-dried for a while."
"What's the matter? Not an outdoors girl after all?"
"Now, did I say that? Seems to me you were the first one to think of steak,
medium rare."
"Is that okay?" There was a moment's uncertainty in his voice, but she was
quick to set him at ease.
He kissed her brow. "Mmm. So are you."
"Oh, I don't know. I have my moments."
"At work?"
'Tell me about it your work. How did you get started?"
It surprised her that she didn't hesitate. On one level she hadn't wanted to
bring the real world into the fantasy she and Patrick lived. But it seemed so
right to want to tell him about her life that the words flowed.
"After I left Peter I went into a kind of blue funk. I wasn't sure where to turn.
I knew I wanted to do something. I had to do something "
"Wasn't he giving you support money?"
"Oh, yes. Begrudgingly. And I accepted it...be- grudgingly. Which was why
I was in a rush to find some means of self-support. There was pride
involved. And a desperate need to do something with my time."
"Did you have Willow Enterprises in mind from the start?"
"Only indirectly. During my time with Peter, I'd met people who suggested
that I should start something." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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